The Big Cheese Roll 2019

Click here for the Big Cheese Roll 2020

Commemorating the Goose Fair Cheese Riots 1766, Fighting Food Poverty today,

in collaboration with The National Justice Museum & Hope Foodbanks, Nottingham. The first Big Cheese Roll took place on Sunday October 6th 2019, and shall become an annual event. For information on this year’s Roll, click here 

Fighting Food Poverty Links: To find or give help dealing with food poverty in Nottinghamshire, please check out our big list of foodbanks, community kitchens, gardens & support networks at Nott Normal Signposts: Fighting Food Poverty.  Alternatively, for a brief overview of community ideas and how to get involved in next year’s Big Cheese Roll click on The Big Cheese Rolling Forward.

Sunday 6th October 2pm

Old Market Square, Nottingham

The Big  Cheese Roll once a year playfully marks a piece of Nottingham history, the Cheese Riots of 1766, whilst helping to gather donations for local foodbanks today. Centuries ago, during the Goose Fair, many people could not afford food because of high food prices, low wages, and bad living and working conditions. This lead to an uprising where people rolled large circular cheeses in protest, knocking down the major and redistributing food.

Each autumn we’ll offer a peaceful, inclusive spectacle, remembering our past while we protect our present and future. Each year we collect food donations for Hope Foodbanks while having a good time.

in 2019, those of us on wheels (wheelchairs, walkers, pushchairs etc.) did the rolling. We started in Old Market Square, where the Goose Fair was in those days. Story-telling met social action at this family-friendly event. While we heard the story from Lizzie, a textile factory worker from 1766 we collected foodbank donations.  Mother Big Cheese, an enigmatic friend of Mother Goose was there as was the grumpy mayor. Participants were invited to come with us down Peck Lane where some of the original protests happened as we took donations to where they were needed. Everyone was welcome and over 50 came, including two vegan mice.

Cheese Riot Info – a short intro to a slice of Nottingham History

The Big Cheese Rolling Forward – How you, your business or community can help fight food poverty

The Trussell Trust – Links to Foodbanks across the UK and how you can get or give help.